泡沫沥青冷再生技术是指通过专用的发泡设备,将沥青进行发泡,降低沥青黏度,实现常温拌和的目的。韩海红 [1] 研究认为泡沫沥青能够很好地平衡刚柔度,加入部分水泥后性能与热沥青混凝土相当,同时又可以实现废旧材料利用,减少能源消耗,降低污染排放,实现交通的可持续发展。时杰 [2] 采用冷再生机和摊铺机分体式的再生工艺,完成了就地冷再生施工。为研究泡沫沥青在普通国省道山区公路中的应用效果,该文以四川省某国道公路泡沫沥青就地冷再生施工为例,从配合比设计和现场施工两方面入手,总结了泡沫沥青施工工艺,为类似工程施工提供一定的参考。
The cold recycling technology of foam asphalt refers to the foaming of asphalt through special foaming equipment to reduce the viscosity of asphalt and achieve the purpose of mixing at room temperature. Han Haihong [1] believes that foam asphalt can well balance the stiffness and flexibility, and its performance is equivalent to that of hot asphalt concrete after adding some cement. At the same time, it can realize the utilization of waste materials, reduce energy consumption, reduce pollution emissions, and achieve sustainable development of transportation. Shijie [2] used a regeneration process that combines cold regeneration and a separate paver to complete on-site cold regeneration construction. In order to study the application effect of foam asphalt in ordinary national and provincial highways in mountainous areas, this paper takes the construction of foam asphalt on-site cold recycling of a national highway in Sichuan Province as an example, starting with mix design and on-site construction, summarizes the construction technology of foam asphalt, which provides some reference for similar engineering construction.
Mix design of foam asphalt cold recycling
The main purpose of the mix design stage of foam asphalt cold recycling in place is to determine the foaming asphalt, synthetic gradation, preliminary foam asphalt dosage and verify the performance of foam asphalt mixture. The specific job responsibilities include: ① inspecting raw materials, including the performance of foamed asphalt, grading and properties of recycled materials, etc.; ② Using specialized foaming equipment, with expansion rate and half-life as indicators, determine the foaming asphalt, foaming temperature, and foaming water consumption; ③ Verify the grading of milling and planing materials, and determine if new aggregates need to be added if necessary; ④ Conduct compaction tests on synthetic aggregates to determine the optimal moisture content and maximum dry density; ⑤ Under different foam asphalt dosage, Marshall specimens were formed, and the best foam asphalt dosage was determined by using splitting strength and dry wet strength ratio.
该工程采用同步摊铺的就地冷再生技术,该技术是一种在对旧沥青路面切削破碎的同时完成水、水泥、泡沫沥青(或乳化沥青)的添加与拌和,之后把满足一定路用性能的冷再生混合料传输摊铺机料斗当中,终由摊铺机重新把再生材料铺筑于路面结构中,并由压路机完成压实的施工方案 [3-4]。就地冷再生机采用维特根生产的W380CR 就地冷再生机,详见图 1。W380CR 就地冷再生机工艺参数为基本工作宽度 3.8 m,再生深度 30 cm,发动机功率 708 kW,工作效率 800 t/h,建议再生机的工作速度控制在 4~5 m/min。
The project adopts the in-situ cold recycling technology of synchronous paving, which is an advanced construction scheme that completes the addition and mixing of water, cement, foam asphalt (or emulsified asphalt) while cutting and crushing the old asphalt pavement, and then transfers the cold recycling mixture that meets certain road performance to the hopper of the paver, and finally paves the recycled material in the pavement structure again by the paver, and compacts it by the road roller [3-4]. The on-site cold regeneration machine adopts the W380CR on-site cold regeneration machine produced by Wittgen, as shown in Figure 1. The process parameters of the W380CR on-site cold regeneration machine are a basic working width of 3.8 m, a maximum regeneration depth of 30 cm, an engine power of 708 kW, and a maximum working efficiency of 800 t/h. It is recommended to control the working speed of the regeneration machine at 4-5 m/min.
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