来源:// 日期:2021-09-20
1. Cold recycling technology has its applicability, and early pavement diagnosis is very necessary. The cement in-situ cold recycling process is generally the construction technology of milling, leveling, rolling and re layering the original pavement. It is only the recycling of shallow (no more than 25cm) pavement structure, so it has no repair effect on the diseases of the lower layer of pavement structure. In case of insufficient bearing capacity of pavement base and excessive deflection value, deep treatment needs to be carried out to restore the use function of pavement. The simple one-layer cold regeneration process can not play a long-term effect.
2. The detection and adjustment of cold regeneration layer configuration will affect the quality of regeneration layer. According to the structure of the original pavement, the cold regeneration layer includes the cold regeneration of lime soil base, lime fly ash macadam base and water stabilized macadam base. The cold regeneration of lime soil base course must be cautious, and it is recommended to use it only for pavement subbase. Under the condition of the same cement dosage, whether the pavement base course gradation is appropriate or not directly affects its strength, so the milling materials that do not meet the gradation requirements after screening must be added with new materials for adjustment.

3. The determination of cement dosage will also directly affect the quality of regeneration layer. Appropriate cement dosage can not only avoid the phenomenon of insufficient strength caused by insufficient cement dosage, but also reduce the phenomenon of stress shrinkage cracks caused by excessive cement dosage and prolong the service life of the road.
4. The selection of cement is very important. Cement cold recycling is not possible with any cement, it has strict requirements. Its requirements for cement binder are basically the same as those for cement stabilized macadam. Retarded cement with initial setting time greater than 3 hours and final setting time greater than 6 hours is required.
5. Selection of construction water. Seemingly insignificant factors, but there may be problems in project quality due to the use of construction water with too many impurities or too many salt ions.
6. The uniformity of cement paving directly affects the uniformity of strength.
7. Reasonable leveling will affect the internal quality of the regeneration layer. Generally, the self weight of the regenerator is heavy, and there will be great differences in the compactness between the two wheels and the wheel track after regeneration. How to eliminate this difference and then scrape it will directly affect the uniformity of compactness in the regeneration layer.
8. The determination of rolling combination is the key to ensure the degree of compaction. Different rolling equipment shall be selected according to the thickness of the regeneration layer, which shall be verified in the test section. Generally, one vibratory roller, one rubber tyred roller and one three wheeled flat roller are equipped. It is impossible to ensure the internal compactness requirements for individual construction teams to select only one vibratory roller in order to save costs.
9. Health preservation. There are many methods for curing: spraying prime coat asphalt, watering, covering plastic film, etc. during curing, cut off or restrict traffic.